Where next? – Create things


Blockly Turtle  
Blockly Turtle Blockly Turtle was developed for primary schools. ​It starts with simple playgrounds for 6 year olds. The playgrounds then build into a sophisticated environment that students of ages 10 - 14 years old might want to use to get creative with a Blockly programmed turtle.

Raspberry Pi  
MIT app inventor ​Fully detailed and carefully written up projects from the Education team at raspberry Pi. Projects range from creating a People in Space Indicator to a Robo Butler.​

App Inventor  
MIT app inventor MIT App Inventor is an innovative beginner's introduction to programming and app creation. UsingApp Inventor even an inexperienced novice can create a basic, fully functional app within an hour or less.​

CS First  
MIT app inventor Themes are chosen to illustrate the applicability of Computer Science and engage students. Use scratch to learn about: Animation, Art, Fashion, Friends, Game Design, Music & Sound, Social Media, Sports and Storytelling.

Pi Wars  
MIT app inventor Pi Wars is a challenge-based robotics competition in which Raspberry Pi-controlled robots are created by teams and then compete in various challenges to earn points.​​

Pimoroni Projects  
MIT app inventor Pimoroni has built up an impressive set of tutorials for building all sorts of things from making your own Raspberry Pi powered Arcade machine to a thermometer in Minecraft. Be aware that if you get hooked this could cost you a small fortune in parts, all handily available from Pimoroni.


Not sure what to create - here's a book that will help you:

Adventures in Raspberry Pi  
MIT app inventor This book by Carrie Anne Philbin introduces a variety of types of projects you can undertake with a Raspberry Pi and then gives suggestions where to go next if you enjoyed them.


Did you know the UK Bebras Challenge is run by the Raspberry Pi Foundation? Discover free teaching resources, tools, and expert support for computing education at raspberrypi.org.